New Jersey Injury Attorneys Securing Maximum Compensation for Workplace Accidents

The attorneys at Massood Law Group in Wayne help employees injured in New Jersey workplace accidents recover the maximum amount of compensation available to help them with their medical expenses, lost wages, and other recognized legal damages. When you have been injured on the job, you may have several different options available to recover compensation, including New Jersey workers’ compensation benefits or recovering from a negligent third party through litigation or a negotiated settlement. Knowing which laws apply and the proper way to proceed are critical to filing your claim in a timely fashion and doing everything necessary to be successful on your claim. Our workplace injury lawyers have the knowledge, skills and experience needed to protect your rights and help you get a positive result.

New Jersey Workers’ Compensation

From the start of your injury, we are at your side throughout the process of obtaining New Jersey workers’ compensation benefits. We work with your doctors to understand the extent of your injuries and what types of benefits you may qualify for, such as temporary total disability or permanent partial disability. We make sure your present and future medical care is fully covered for as long as necessary and that the proper wage replacement benefits are calculated.

Although workers’ compensation is a no-fault, insurance-based system, there are still many ways an employer or insurance carrier may try to evade liability, such as by claiming your injury is exaggerated, non work-related, or due to a pre-existing condition. We fight such charges at administrative hearings, appeals boards and in court as necessary to make sure you are not taken advantage of in the workers’ compensation system.

In addition, we hold employers directly liable in applicable situations, such as when they do not carry required workers’ compensation insurance or when the injury is the result of some intentional act on the part of the employer, such as removing safety guards from machinery or forcing you to work in an unsafe area or without adequate protection.

Third Party Liability for the Negligence of Others

While workers’ compensation is normally the exclusive recourse for an on-the-job injury, there are many times when a third party is responsible for causing the injury due to negligence or misconduct. In these situations, it is possible to recover from the responsible third party as well as apply for workers’ compensation benefits. Examples of third party liability include the following:

  • Products Liability – When the use of a defective product causes the injury, the manufacturer may be liable for allowing a product with a dangerous defect to be sold. Design and manufacturing defects can include power tools without safety guards or automatic shut-offs, ladders that collapse or break, and hazardous chemicals packaged without safety warnings or instructions.
  • Premises Liability – If you are performing work off-site, such as on a construction project, and the property owner has allowed a dangerous condition on the premises to go unchecked, the owner can be liable for the injuries caused.
  • Auto Accidents – If you are injured on the road during the course of your employment, such as when making deliveries, running errands or traveling to a job site on the clock, you can recover compensation if you are struck and injured by a negligent driver. Recovery may require that you be able to prove the other driver’s fault.

Get Help Today for New Jersey Workplace Accidents from Experienced Wayne Injury Lawyers

If you have been injured in a New Jersey workplace accident, contact Massood Law Group in Wayne for a free initial consultation about your rights to receive compensation for your injuries. Timelines for workers’ compensation claims are very brief, so be sure and call as soon as possible to protect your rights. Call toll free 1-844-462-4878, or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.

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