Winter Holidays Bring Increased Crash Rates on New Jersey Roads

If you are planning on heading out on a long road trip to visit distant family or friends, or are simply facing a daunting list of holiday parties around town where you’re planning to make an appearance, be sure to exercise even more caution than usual while you’re on the road. The abundance of cars on the road, holiday-related distractions, alcohol consumption, and weather can all make roadways more hazardous during the holiday season. Learn more below on the ways that the holidays can make roads less safe.

Greater number of drivers

The holiday season often results in a greater need to be on the road. We’ve all been mired in frenzied shopping center traffic jams, scrambling for the last parking spot in last-minute gift-buying trips, or snarled in traffic as crowds of people head out of town to visit far-away families. More drivers on the road means more chances to be involved in a crash.

Distracted driving increase

While the holidays are a great time to celebrate and relax, they can also bring a number of distracting stressors. Drivers in a hurry to tend to familial obligations or heading to another party aren’t always paying close attention to road conditions, and are more likely to be involved in an accident. Additionally, with teen drivers out on break from school, they have more free time to drive around with friends. This means that already-distractible teens have a greater, even more distracted, presence on the road.

Drunk-driving spike

Holiday celebrations are often not considered complete without some holiday nog, mulled wine, or spiked cider. Many of these revelers end up on the roads, driving while intoxicated and potentially putting you and your family at risk of a crash. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that alcohol-related fatalities rise nearly 33% above average on the days surrounding Christmas, and roughly 50% above average on the days surrounding New Year’s Eve.

Surprising impact of weather

While you might assume that the worse the weather gets during the winter, the more people get into accidents. However, mild winters can often lead to greater accident rates. While few people are willing to drive during a blizzard, more are likely to get behind the wheel when the weather isn’t as bad.

If you or a loved one have been injured in a New Jersey car accident, contact skilled Wayne personal injury law firm Massood Law Group for a free consultation by calling 888-4MB-HURT.

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