Volkswagen Caught Lying about Diesel Emissions

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revealed that automaker Volkswagen has been deceiving both government and the public at large regarding emissions from its so-called “clean diesel” models. In a letter released to the public, the EPA accused the German auto manufacturer of installing software in multiple “clean diesel” Volkswagen and Audi models that was intended to hide the true environmental effects of the cars’ exhaust. The so-called “defeat device” turns on only while the car is undergoing a smog emissions test, and functions to alter the amount of nitrous oxide emitted by the car. When the car is operating normally, however, the EPA alleges that the car emits nitrous oxide in amounts over 40 times what is legally permitted under the Clean Air Act. The EPA is continuing to investigate, but could impose civil fines as high as $18 billion for the deception.

Volkswagen has now admitted that the software was designed to deceive emissions testers, and has recently apologized to the US House Commerce and Energy Committee for the fraud. German prosecutors have raided the Volkswagen headquarters, and the US Attorney General, as well as state prosecutors in at least 27 states, have launched investigations into the circumstances of sales of the rigged cars. The company’s new CEO stated that it would not apply for emissions certifications for its 2016 models using diesel engines. The company has also stated its intention to spend approximately $7 billion on repairing the faulty emissions readings, though experts speculate that this amount is unlikely to cover the cost of repairing the 11 million vehicles that have the device installed.

Notwithstanding these efforts, this apology does not undo the deception perpetrated on customers, and many have voiced their displeasure regarding these lies through legal action. Class action and individual lawsuits have already been filed all over the country, with demands for damages for such things as the loss in resale value in the cars, the potential loss in horsepower and fuel efficiency after the defeat device is uninstalled, and the lost value of driving an environmentally friendly vehicle.

If you’ve been the victim of fraud in making a purchase, or have been damaged from a defectively manufactured product, contact Wayne products liability attorneys Massood Law Group at 1-844-4MB-HURT.

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