The Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you may be wondering where to turn first. Medical care bills may be mounting, and you may even be forced to miss work due to injuries. At times like this, you need an experienced helping hand to come alongside you and fight the insurance companies and at-fault parties on your behalf, while you focus on getting better. At Massood Law Group, our attorneys have years of experience standing up for personal injury victims, and a proven track record of success in winning compensation for those injured in accidents. Contact us today to receive a free evaluation of your personal injury case.

There are many types of personal injury accident claims for which you should consider hiring a lawyer, including:

At Massood Law Group, our attorneys have been representing clients who were hurt by someone else’s negligence for years. We are skilled negotiators with insurance companies and business owners who know how to obtain full compensation for our clients’ injuries. Let us stand up to their corporate attorneys on your behalf, so that you can focus on getting better.

Insurance companies want to pay you as little as possible for your claims

When you file a claim with an insurance company, you may be surprised to find that they will make you a settlement offer right away, before you’ve had a chance to speak with a lawyer. This is not accidental. Insurance companies have highly experienced claim evaluators who know what your claim is worth, and they want you to take as small a share of that as possible. Their representatives will lead you to believe that their settlement offers are generous, and that you’d just be wasting money on a lawyer because you’ll never get more than they’re offering for your claim. Keep in mind that these individuals handle hundreds of claims each week, making them vastly more experienced than you, and they have every motivation to get you to take as little as possible. They also realize that, amid rising medical expenses, lost work, and costs to repair or replace damaged property, you might be strapped for cash, making any settlement sound like more than it is. Accepting a low-value offer could end up having disastrous effects later when you realize the full extent of your damages.

An attorney understands the true value of your claim, and expenses that may arise down the road

An attorney has your best interests at heart and won’t take a lowball settlement that doesn’t compensate you completely for your injuries. Immediately after an accident, you may think that you understand all of the expenses that will arise as a result of your injuries. However, without experience in evaluating personal injury claims, it can be difficult to anticipate the sorts of costs that might come in the future. Our attorneys will be able to estimate anticipated future expenses based on your injuries, such as:

  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Lost wages while you obtain future medical treatment
  • Long-term pain and suffering
  • Lost earning capacity or disability
  • In-home care
  • Psychological treatment for post-traumatic-event counseling

Hiring an attorney early on in the claims process will allow your lawyer to do a full factual investigation into the circumstances surrounding your accident, gathering evidence and speaking to witnesses before evidence is destroyed and memories fade. That way, if you do end up needing to go to court to recover all that you’re owed, you won’t need to scramble last minute to find a lawyer, and your case will already be trial-ready. At Massood Law Group, we pride ourselves both on our negotiating abilities and on our skills as litigators. We understand that, under ideal circumstances, cases would settle quickly without needing to go to court. However, as experienced trial attorneys, we are ready and willing to see your case through to a judge or jury’s verdict when necessary.

Dedicated and Experienced Legal Representation in Your Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been hurt in a personal injury accident in New Jersey, such as a slip-and-fall, car accident, or by a defective product, contact the Wayne offices of the experienced personal injury law firm Massood Law Group for a free consultation on your claims, at 1-800-4MB-HURT.

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