Wayne Personal Injury Attorneys Helping Dog Bite Victims in New Jersey

Dog bites and animal attacks can cause serious, painful injuries with lasting or permanent consequences, including scarring and disfigurement, nerve damage and psychological trauma. Some people are so traumatized by an attack that they become fearful of being out in the open where dogs may be present. The effects can be even worse when small children are the victims. Young children are not mature enough to understand the threat a dangerous dog can pose, and because of their size, they are subject to serious personal injury or wrongful death from a vicious animal.

New Jersey has strong laws in place to prevent animal attacks and protect the rights of dog bite victims and their families. The injury attorneys at Massood Law Group in Wayne use their knowledge of the laws and experience in the courtroom to help injury victims obtain compensation for their injuries and justice against dog owners who failed to prevent a vicious attack.

New Jersey Dog Bite Law

Some states have a “one free bite” rule where owners are not held responsible for dog bites if they had no prior knowledge that the animal was vicious or had any dangerous propensities. This is not so in New Jersey. New Jersey law imposes strict liability on the owner regardless of whether the owner had any knowledge of the animal’s viciousness. As long as the victim was on public property or lawfully on private property at the time of the attack, the owner is liable for the damages caused, including medical expenses, lost wages for time missed from work, pain and suffering, and other legal damages.

Help is Available for New Jersey Dog Bite Victims

Despite New Jersey’s law imposing strict liability on dog owners, the owners and their insurance companies will still try to find a way to escape liability or minimize the amount they have to pay. For instance, they may dispute the serious nature of your physical or emotional injuries, or they may claim you were on the property illegally and did something to provoke the attack. It is important to have solid representation from knowledgeable, aggressive attorneys who will fight to see that you get the compensation you need and deserve. It is equally important to hold dog owners accountable to prevent future attacks from occurring to other innocent people. For sound advice and powerful representation in a dog bite or other personal injury in Wayne, New Jersey, contact Massood Law Group for a free consultation.

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