Help for Victims of New Jersey Construction Site Accidents

If you work on a construction site, you understand the risks you take while doing your job, no matter how careful you are to follow all safety measures and use all protective equipment offered to you. Construction workers in the U.S. are nevertheless more likely than workers in any other profession to be injured or killed on the job. Unfortunately, getting hurt on the job is even more devastating as a construction worker than a worker in many other fields, since you depend on being able-bodied in order to find work and provide for yourself and your family.

Safety lapses lead to serious injuries for workers

Frequently, construction job site injuries can be traced back to a willful failure to abide by critical safety rules and regulations committed by site management, general or subcontractors, or third parties operating on the construction site. If you get hurt because your employer could not spend the time or money to look out for your well-being on the job site, you deserve to be paid for your injuries. The activities on construction work sites that most often lead to injury are often the work site activities that are covered by the most extensive regulations, including:

  • Excavation and trench-digging accidents
  • Crane accidents
  • Scaffolding collapses or falls from scaffolding
  • Ladder falls
  • Confined or enclosed-space accidents

Finding the right lawyer for your New Jersey construction site accident claim is critical

Having a lawyer on your side who is versed in applicable regulations on construction sites issued by both the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and by the state of New Jersey will make all the difference in the success of your lawsuit.

An experienced workplace accident attorney like the ones at Massood Law Group will be able to investigate your accident and determine what regulations were being ignored on the job site, and what should have been done but wasn’t that would have prevented your accident from occurring. Our lawyers understand how to pursue compensation from the negligent independent contractors providing equipment or labor on job sites, to ensure that you get the money you need to bring yourself back to full health and make up for all the work you lost during your recovery.

Contact Compassionate and Knowledgeable Wayne Construction Site Accident Attorneys

Get the money you need and deserve after you’re hurt on the job in New Jersey. Contact the compassionate and knowledgeable Wayne construction site accident lawyers at Massood Law Group for a free consultation on your case, at 973-696-1900.

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