Experienced Civil Rights Attorneys in New Jersey

The attorneys at Massood Law Group help people who have been victimized by civil rights violations recover compensation for the harm done to them. Our New Jersey civil rights practice covers a wide range of issues, including police misconduct, employment discrimination and harassment, and disability rights. Below is a brief overview of the different areas in which we can help.

Police misconduct

When law enforcement personnel abuse their power, it puts us all in danger. All too often the very people we trust to protect us disregard our constitutional rights and engage in misconduct, including:

  • Excessive force. Although law enforcement officials are generally permitted to use reasonable force to arrest a suspect, when police go too far and employ unnecessary violence, this amounts to improper police brutality.
  • False arrest and harassment. Law enforcement must have valid grounds for arrest prior to placing you in custody; they cannot simply arrest you and invent a justification for it sometime later.
  • Illegal search. The Constitution protects citizens, their homes and property from “unreasonable searches and seizures.” This means that mere suspicion alone is generally not grounds for law enforcement to search you or to search or confiscate your property.
  • Racial profiling. It is against State policy for police to presume that someone is engaged in illegal activity based on that person’s race or ethnicity. Rather, police must have some objective reason other than race or ethnicity to stop you.
  • Jail abuse. Inmates and other detainees face numerous dangers while incarcerated, including neglect, assault, and cruel and unusual punishment. If you have been injured, or if a loved one has been killed while in police custody, you may be entitled to compensation as a result of the police and jail facility’s failure to keep you or your family member safe.

The experienced attorneys at Massood Law Group have a long, successful history of holding law enforcement accountable to those whom they protect and serve. In cases of police misconduct, New Jersey law provides you with only a very short time period to bring claims following an injury. If you or a loved one has been a victim of police misconduct, contact a lawyer immediately.

Employment discrimination and harassment

Under New Jersey law, employers cannot discriminate based on a person’s race, nationality, religion, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability, in addition to other protected characteristics. Anti-discrimination laws apply to all aspects and stages of employment, including interviewing, hiring, promotions, discharge, and compensation. Additionally, sexual harassment is one of the most common types of of workplace complaints. Both men and women and both heterosexuals and homosexuals can be victims of sexual harassment. Whether you have been subjected to unwelcome sexual material, comments or advances, or if you have been stereotyped based on your gender, you should speak with an attorney as soon as possible to assess your case.

Nobody should accept workplace discrimination or harassment. If you have been subjected to employment discrimination or harassment, you may be entitled to recovery under both state and federal law. The experienced attorneys at Massood Law Group are at the forefront of improving the workplace for New Jersey employees and stand ready to assist you evaluating your case. Call today for a confidential and free consultation.

Disability Rights

Not only are employers prohibited from discriminating against people with disabilities, but employers are also required to make “reasonable accommodations” for employees with disabilities. This means that not only are employers prevented from refusing to hire an otherwise capable employee because of that person’s disability, but employers are also prevented from terminating a disabled employee for requesting reasonable accommodations. A reasonable accommodation is generally anything that will allow a disabled employee to perform the essential functions of their job and is not overly expensive or burdensome for the employer.

Similarly, the law makes it illegal for most places that provide services, goods or otherwise open their facilities to the general public to deny those services or benefits to a person because of a disability. That means that hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues, as well as most offices and similar locations, must generally be accessible to disabled patrons. Disabled individuals who require the help of a guide or service animal are likewise generally entitled to access to places of public accommodation. Under both the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination, both physical and mental disabilities are recognized as protected conditions.

Everyone should be allowed to work and enjoy access to public locations and services. If you or a loved one has been a victim of disability discrimination, contact the experienced attorneys at Massood Law Group for a free consultation.

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