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Parking Lot Collisions and What You can Do about Them

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Between the drivers attempting to back out of parking spaces with little ability to see the traffic behind them, the drivers hunting for parking and failing to pay attention to other cars, and pedestrians wandering through the lanes looking for their cars, it’s a wonder that even more accidents don’t occur in parking lots… Read More »

Keep Your Children and Friends Safe Around the Swimming Pool This Summer

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Everyone loves a warm summer day spent by the pool. It is important, however, to keep in mind the risks involved in having a pool and the many precautions that New Jersey homeowners must take to keep their guests safe. Both children and adults are at risk of drowning around pools, though small children… Read More »

Collision with Intoxicated Driver Takes Life of Motorcyclist

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According to a newly-released report from the Governors’ Highway Safety Association (GHSA), motorcycle fatalities rose substantially between 2014 and 2015. The dangers of motorcycle riding were recently brought closer to home with the recent death of a local firefighter in a motorcycle accident. Developments in safety improvements are slow to come to motorcycle riders,… Read More »

Ignore These Three Myths about Car Accidents

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After you’re in your first major accident, you might not know how best to handle the situation so that you’ll get the money you’re owed from your injuries. Friends and loved ones may have advice for you, but there’s a good chance that some of it may be inaccurate. Seek out a lawyer to… Read More »

Woman Paralyzed in Obstacle Race Sues Race Organizers

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A New Jersey woman who is now paralyzed from the neck down has filed a lawsuit against the organizers of the event where she incurred her paralyzing injuries. Amparo Colon, 41, is a mother of four and a resident of Morris County. Approximately one year ago, on May 9, 2015, she participated in the… Read More »

Don’t Believe These Car Accident Myths

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If you’ve recently been involved in a serious car accident in New Jersey, your friends or family members may have offered you lots of unsolicited advice regarding what steps to take next and how your case is going to turn out. Even where advice is offered by friends who have themselves been involved in… Read More »

Car Accident Victim Asserts that Snapchat Partially Responsible for Injuries

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A man who was left with permanent brain damage after a serious car accident has recently filed a lawsuit, claiming that both the other driver and the makers of the photo-sharing app Snapchat are responsible for the expenses related to the injuries he incurred. It was late at night on September 10, 2015, when… Read More »

Health Conditions Can Make Long-Haul Drivers an Unsafe Roadway Presence

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Due to the destructive capacity of semi-trucks and tractor-trailers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has created strict regulations governing long-haul commercial trucking and who may become a driver. Unfortunately, some drivers have managed to dodge the stringent health standards applied to drivers, which can have negative consequences for those sharing the road… Read More »

Defects in Road Can Lead to Serious Motorcycle Accidents

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Being a motorcycle rider can be exhilarating, fuel-saving, and even time-saving. That said, it can also come with a fair amount of risk. Unfortunately, one of these sources of risk can be the very road you’re riding on if it has been poorly maintained. If you’re injured in a motorcycle accident where a poorly-maintained… Read More »

$2.5 Million Jury Award to Victim of Parsippany Car Crash

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A classical pianist who was rendered unable to play at a high level after a serious car accident has been awarded $2.5 million in damages by a Morris County jury. In the early evening of November 20, 2011, William Finizio, Jr., the accident victim, was involved in a two-car crash on Route 80 in… Read More »

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