Recovering from Car Accidents Caused by a Drunk Driver

Despite widespread publicity and aggressive enforcement by New Jersey local and state police, drunk driving is still a major problem on our streets and highways. Accidents where a drunk driver is involved are the cause of a shocking 33% of all roadway fatalities each year in the US. New Jersey sees its fair share of these deaths, as well. According to the CDC, 1,816 New Jersey residents were killed in accidents involving an intoxicated driver between the years 2003 and 2012. Seek legal help in getting the compensation you deserve after you or a loved one is injured or killed in an accident with a drunk driver. Contact our knowledgeable staff of auto accident lawyers at Massood Law Group as soon as possible after an accident.

Getting the money you need from insurers

Aside from causing an alarming number of fatal accidents, drunk driving can cause accidents which leave innocent drivers, passengers, and pedestrians with life-altering injuries. If you’ve been seriously hurt in a crash with a drunk driver, make sure you receive the money you’re owed for your medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages. Evidence such as the results of a blood alcohol level test, or even a criminal conviction for driving under the influence, can be useful proof that the other driver was at fault. However, that evidence isn’t always enough to convince an insurer to pay you the full value of your claim for damages. Our attorneys at Massood Law Group understand how to negotiate with insurance companies in a way that will help you receive the full value of your claim, and will diligently represent you in a lawsuit for your damages if your injuries are severe or permanent.

Explore other avenues for liability

Sometimes, the available coverage from insurance carriers isn’t enough to cover the long-term costs of your injuries, lost work, or pain and suffering. Under New Jersey law, if a restaurant or bar continues to serve alcohol to a clearly-intoxicated customer, that establishment may be liable under Dram Shop laws for injuries the drunk customer later causes. Likewise, social host liability makes a private host liable if they kept providing alcohol to a drunk guest when the host knew the guest would later be out on the road, and they did nothing to prevent the harm that drunk person could cause.

Don’t wait to file a claim for your New Jersey auto accident

Contact the compassionate and determined Wayne personal injury lawyers at Massood Law Group for a free consultation on your case. Our lawyers have been successfully pursuing claims on behalf of injured plaintiffs for years and can help you get the money you need to recover after a New Jersey accident with a drunk driver. Call us today for a no-cost consultation, at 973-696-1900.

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